Share your codes! allows you to share dodo code, dream code or friend code.
To do this, use the "share a code" button to share your island with other players.

The "dodo codes" are visible via a reservation system. Once the maximum number of people has been reached, it is no longer possible to see the code.

The "request for assistance" feature allows you to make a specific request. The other players respond by providing their dodo code.
In this way, the flow of players is controlled and allows a quick and efficient exchange.

You want to remove a "friend code" from the list, contact us so that we can delete it.

When you go to an island, do not forget to respect the rules of good behavior :-)

Have a good trip!
Request for assistance Manage the request


Je cherche à visiter une île avec des pêches. Je donne des oranges en échange.

Northern Hemisphere
Turnip price : 0
Playing duration : Until I stop
Code is working :



Guten Abend, habe einige Bastelanleitungen rechts vom Flughafen liegen. Es darf geangelt und getaucht werden. Geschäfte sind geöffnet. Gemüse darf geerntet werden. Fragt wenn ihr sonst was braucht. Bitte benehmt euch anständig.

Southern Hemisphere
Turnip price : 179
Playing duration : Until I stop
Code is working :



Venez !!!

Northern Hemisphere
Turnip price : 0
Playing duration : Until I stop
Code is working :

Request for assistance Suggest a code Manage the request


Je recherche un cours du navet supérieur à 200 clochettes. En échange j’offre un prix de navet à 90 clochettes.

Northern Hemisphere
Turnip price : 44
Playing duration : Until I stop
Code is working :



Hellu! Suche aktive Animal Crossing Freunde:D Wir können gerne handeln und einfach zusammen spielen ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

Northern Hemisphere
Turnip price : 0
Playing duration : Until I stop
Code is working :



No special recommendations!

Northern Hemisphere
Turnip price : 0
Playing duration : Until I stop
Code is working :



No special recommendations!

Northern Hemisphere
Turnip price : 0
Playing duration : Until I stop
Code is working :



Amène des plans

Northern Hemisphere
Turnip price : 87
Playing duration : Until I stop
Code is working :

Request for assistance Suggest a code Manage the request


Bonjour je cherche une île où le cours du navet est élevé svp, merci!

Northern Hemisphere
Turnip price : 0
Playing duration : Until I stop
Code is working :

Request for assistance Manage the request


Un code svp

Northern Hemisphere
Turnip price : 0
Playing duration : Until I stop
Code is working :

Request for assistance Suggest a code Manage the request


Hello ! Je cherche une île où je pourrais vendre mes navets, si possible avec un cours supérieur à 200 clochettes !

Northern Hemisphere
Turnip price : 0
Playing duration : Until I stop
Code is working :



Bienvenue à tous. Merci de ne pas toucher aux fleurs ^^

Northern Hemisphere
Turnip price : 0
Playing duration : Until I stop
Code is working :



Avrei bisogno arance pet favore

Northern Hemisphere
Turnip price : 0
Playing duration : 15 min
Code is working :