Share your codes! allows you to share dodo code, dream code or friend code.
To do this, use the "share a code" button to share your island with other players.

The "dodo codes" are visible via a reservation system. Once the maximum number of people has been reached, it is no longer possible to see the code.

The "request for assistance" feature allows you to make a specific request. The other players respond by providing their dodo code.
In this way, the flow of players is controlled and allows a quick and efficient exchange.

You want to remove a "friend code" from the list, contact us so that we can delete it.

When you go to an island, do not forget to respect the rules of good behavior :-)

Have a good trip!


Si alguien me regala alguna pera 🍐

Southern Hemisphere
Turnip price : 0
Playing duration : Until I stop
Code is working :



Je cherche des poires et des pĂȘches en Ă©change de lĂ©gumes 😀🍐 (je n’avais plus de batterie nouveau dodo code)

Southern Hemisphere
Turnip price : 0
Playing duration : Until I stop
Code is working :



J'ai besoin d'objets, pas d'objet précis mais je prends ce que vous avez en double :) Code CT7WT

Northern Hemisphere
Turnip price : 0
Playing duration : Until I stop
Code is working :



CHERCHE POIRE ET PÊCHE 🍐 Tous les lĂ©gumes en Ă©change :)

Southern Hemisphere
Turnip price : 0
Playing duration : Until I stop
Code is working :



'ai besoin d'objets, pas d'objet précis mais je prends ce que vous avez en double :)

Northern Hemisphere
Turnip price : 0
Playing duration : Until I stop
Code is working :



J’ai besoin d’objets, pas d’objet prĂ©cis mais je prend ce que vous avez en double :)

Northern Hemisphere
Turnip price : 0
Playing duration : Until I stop
Code is working :




Southern Hemisphere
Turnip price : 0
Playing duration : Until I stop
Code is working :



N’hĂ©sitez pas Ă  rejoindre je m’endort ahah 😮

Northern Hemisphere
Turnip price : 0
Playing duration : 60 min
Code is working :



J’ai besoin d’objet, pas d’objet prĂ©cis. Juste ce que vous avez en double :)

Northern Hemisphere
Turnip price : 0
Playing duration : Until I stop
Code is working :



No special recommendations!

Northern Hemisphere
Turnip price : 0
Playing duration : Until I stop
Code is working :



Demande Orange, pĂȘche et canne Ă  sucre et autre lĂ©gumes Propose en Ă©change pomme, cerise, coco, carotte, tomate ou citrouille

Northern Hemisphere
Turnip price : 0
Playing duration : 15 min
Code is working :



Avrei bisogno di ciliege 🍒 arancie 🍊 e pere 🍐 in cambio di un biglietto miglia nook e vestiti, il mio codice ù DL4MG vi aspetto grazie mille in anticipo

Southern Hemisphere
Turnip price : 0
Playing duration : Until I stop
Code is working :



Avrei bisogno di ciliege 🍒 pere 🍐 e arancie 🍊 in cambio un biglietto nook miglia il mio codice ù LCSPB vi aspetto grazie mille in anticipo

Southern Hemisphere
Turnip price : 0
Playing duration : Until I stop
Code is working :